Rock out with your dock out.

Announcing GNOME Do 0.8. With 20 new plugins, faster search, better results,
animated themes, and 111 fewer bugs, your desktop's killer app just got killer-er.

Oh, and then there's Docky, a whole new way to Do. Get it now.

Awesome New Plugins

Banshee, Bibtex, Cl.ickable, Claws mail, Google search, Opera, Ping.FM, Remember the Milk, System services, TinyUrl, Tracker search, and Translate to name a few. Plugins also install much faster now.

Faster Search, Better Results

Memory usage is down, and searches are noticably snappier. Our relevance algorithms are also better than ever -- Do will learn your habits and offer personalized search results immediately.

Animated Themes

Do's themes -- Classic, Mini, Glass, and the newly added Nouveau and Docky -- now sport gorgeous animations and dropshadows. Watch for falling jaws.


Docky is our attempt to make Do more discoverable and memorable. It's the same Do you know and love, just a little friendlier.

File Previews

We've added preliminary support for viewing file thumbnails, so you can better recognize the images, movies, and documents you encounter in Do. If your file manager displays thumnails, Do will attempt to show them.

Improved Text Entry

With support for copy, paste, and longer lines of text, Do's new extended text entry mode is perfect for composing emails and tweets. Activate text entry mode by pressing your period key.

Many Bugs Exterminated

82 core bugs and 29 plugin bugs have been meticulously tracked and squished. There's still a lot of work to do, but Do 0.8 is one well-oiled machine.

New Plugin API

In creating a more cross-platform codebase, a wonderful, platform-agnostic plugin API emerged. Plugins now have extensive access to notifications, logging, relevance information, threading tools, and much more.

Do things as quickly as possible (but no quicker) with your files, applications, contacts and more!

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