Seeing is believing.

With a large set of plugins and smart relevance algorithms, Do fine-tunes itself to be the exact tool you need, no matter who you are or how you use your computer. Do can be your music player, your search tool, your file browser, or even your dictionary.

Check out the screenshots and screencasts below for a glimpse of the incredible number of tasks that Do can help you perform.


  • Launch applications

    Define words

    Create events in Google Calendar

    Organize your files

  • Upload pictures to ImageShack

    Search for, browse, and open files

    Add tasks to Remember The Milk

    Browse, upload, and open documents on Google Docs

  • Control Skype

    Browse and play your music library

    Search the web

    Upload text to a pastebin


Coming soon ...

Do things as quickly as possible (but no quicker) with your files, applications, contacts and more!

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